Episode 35: The Wizard (1989)

Our friend and resident bourbon expert Gene Miller returns with the movie that premiered the video game 'Super Mario Bros. 3' ! Talk revolves around the original Nintendo yet somehow finds its way to Bill Hader's new Samsung commercials.

Sipping from two different bourbons, the guys keep it together for 'Trash, Star, Destroy', 'First Impressions', and 'Milkin' it!'


Episode 34: Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)

Comedienne and actress Erin Coleman returns to the podcast to watch one of Mel Brooks' best! We discuss classic comedy bits, try to appeal to a younger demographic, and dish a little on Kevin Costner.

If you're in the Los Angeles area, remember to check out Erin at Flapper's Comedy Club August 18th! Follow Erin on twitter @universalcenter and watch her You-Tube channel for Tiffany and Erin! Look for 'How To Be Hot' there soon!

Episode 33: Mission: Impossible II (2000)

This week we welcome So Bad It's Good's own Venus Lau! We talk fitness, share dating tips, and watch John Woo's installment of Tom Cruise's franchise! It's so bad, it's good.

Check out Venus's fitness page at VenusFit.com, on facebook, and twitter @Venus2BFab!

And visit the girls at SoBad-ItsGood.com for some great videos and comedy. They're on facebook and twitter as well @SoBadComedy!


Episode 31: Con Air (1997)

Long-time friend and film enthusiast Kevin Riley visits Los Angeles and picks the Nick Cage classic 'Con Air'. Attempts are made at Cage, John Malkovich, and Dave Chappelle impressions. "Attempts".

Important decisions are to be made concerning the unofficial Nicholas Cage trilogy! Find out more in 'Trash, Star, Destroy'.

Episode 30: Dumb and Dumber (1994)

The incredibly funny Kimberly Condict comes over to have some drinks, sing some 90s tunes, and watch one of the greatest comedies of all time, 'Dumb and Dumber'.

 After viewing the Farrelly Bros. classic, we introduce this first time guest to 'Trash Star, Destroy', 'The Summary Game', and 'Milkin' It!'.

t: @KimberlyCondict 

f: KimberlyCondict

w: kimberlycondict.com

Read her Amazon Studios pilot 'A Perfect Affair' here!