Episode 55: Jailhouse Rock (1957)

We finally have the lovely RACHEL MCCLARD from SoBad-ItsGood Comedy over to watch JAILHOUSE ROCK! Rachel shares her personal love for the King and how a postcard at a young age became a life lesson. We discuss music in movies, the politics of prison sentences, and how it compares to Britney Spears' Crossroads.

Go and check out Rachel, Laura, and Venus at SoBad-ItsGood.com, on facebook, @SoBadComedy on twitter, and the same on instagram and look for their new Kickstarter soon!

Episode 54: Sin City (2005)

This week's guest is music producer DOMINIC AMENEYRO who stopped by to watch the digital revelation that is SIN CITY! Dominic discusses his love of Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino and we dig into the Director's Guild controversy over pegging Frank Miller as a co-director.

All your favorite games, black and white movies, and of course, a high dosage of Bruce Willis praise all await you in the coming hour! After the episode, check out Dominic's SoundCloud page: soundcloud.com/westminsterave

Dominic pic.jpg

Episode 53: The Goonies (1985)

Ever wonder what happened to Chunk? Well, comedian CRAIG PHILLIP CONANT lets us in on what he has heard became of Jeff Cohen as we discuss the Richard Donner family favorite THE GOONIES! We discuss the love triangle of Brand, Troy, and Andy (and what's really right for Brand) and what happened to the cut octopus scene! 

See Craig at The Comedy Store this Saturday Jan. 11 in The Belly Room and follow him on twitter @craigconant 

Episode 52: Major Payne (1995)

It's still the holidays and Brad has family in town! His cousins from Vegas, ADAM & HALI DAVIS stop by to watch Damon Wayans' MAJOR PAYNE! Chris makes a courageous stand in 'The Summary Game', Brad puts Mike Tyson in the movie, and Hali gets the puppies.

Special thanks to all the fans out there! Keep those letters and questions coming in! 

Episode 51: Dogma (1999)

Season 2 kicks off the holidays with comedian JOSH WALDRON and Kevin Smith's religious experience that is DOGMA! Lots of Jay and Silent Bob oeuvre talk and, of course, plenty about the Golgotha. Stay tuned for the pilot pitch for "Growing Up Jesus" in 'Milkin' It!'

Follow Josh @optimuswaldge and look for him at the Comedy Store and Flappers in Los Angeles!

Episode 50: Dazed and Confused (1993)

It's our 50th episode! The end of Season 1!  We're celebrating the end of our first year with return guest and birthday girl KIMBERLY CONDICT! We travel back to a time when 'the kids and the pants were always high' and watch Chris's first pick DAZED AND CONFUSED!

Amongst the usual games, we add on a round of 'International Pandering', muse about National Lampoon's Forrest Gump, and define the sports term 'on the ledge'. 

Thanks to Toin Coss for sponsoring the podcast and remember to check out Kimberly at the Groundlings Sunday show starting in May here in Los Angeles and on twitter @KimberlyCondict

See you next season!

Episode 49: Annie Hall (1977)

Woody Allen memories surface in this week's show with return guest, actor MATT MOROSKY! After viewing the Best Picture winner, Brad discusses his hate of Scarlett Johansson, we blend our Woody Allen and Christopher Walken impressions, and Matt and Brad congratulate each other on having never seen Star Wars.

Episode 48: Lady in the Water (2006)

He travelled from the City of Brotherly Love to the City of Angels to bro-out over LADY IN THE WATER! Guest NATHAN LEDERACH brings the quintessential Philadelphia film to the show to discuss the highs and lows of M. Night Shyamalan's career, how Paul Giamatti talks like he looks, and of course, the classic 'M. Night Twist'! 

Episode 47: The Room (2003)

We attended the 10th Anniversary of Tommy Wiseau's THE ROOM here in Los Angeles with our pal and return guest JAMES WONG! We talk bad movies, the interactivity that comes with seeing the show in a theater and Brad wills his pick for 'Milkin' It!' Seriously.

Follow James on twitter @jwong3 and instagram (jamesjamesxx).

Episode 46: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

We're getting audited on this week's episode, so our accountant (and Brad's brother) JOEL DAVIS comes by with our second pick from 1975 in as many weeks! And one of only three movies to win the Five Oscar "Grand Slam"! Episode 46 is one of a kind.

Thanks to a fan letter in our 'Mailbag!', we finally answer the age old question: Who is the one who flies over the nest?

Episode 44: Clue (1985)

With a new 'Jen and Laura Sketch Show' looming at Westside Comedy Theatre, JEN MURRAY returns to watch the mock-murder mystery CLUE! Do board games make good movies? What would be your own personal Clue murder combo? Find out sometime between now and the end of this episode!

Follow Jen on twitter @jenniferwithaph  and check her out at M.I.'s Westside Comedy Theatre on Nov. 15th for the 'Jen and Laura Sketch Show: Skinny and Pretty'!

Episode 43: Killer Joe (2011)

Theatrical entrepreneur Cory Tamler was visiting L.A., so we brought her on the show!  She picked the Friedkin directed KILLER JOE written by 'August: Osage County' playwright Tracy Letts! We discuss the merits of theatre on film, try out some 'International Pandering', and give Brad credit for thinking of a diner as a good place to conduct "business".

Follow Cory on twitter @ctams and check out UNLISTED Performances here!


Episode 42: L.A. Podcast Festival 2013

No guest or movie this week as Chris and Brad attend the Los Angeles Podcast Festival! The guys count down their Top 5 favorite movies, play some 'Trash, Star, Destroy' and cap it all off with a quick game of 'Milkin' It!' 

Recorded live from the festival in Santa Monica, Chris and Brad reflect on a few of their past episodes. 

Episode 41: Warrior (2011)

Actor, print model, and return guest BRANDON BLACK stops by to talk dueling brothers as we watch Gavin O'Connor's WARRIOR starring Tom Hardy's back muscles and Denzel Whitaker, super-actor.

With a two hour and twenty minute movie, 'The Summary Game' clocks us at 14 seconds flat. After the podcast, check Brandon out on twitter @brandon_f_black and throw some website traffic his way at blackbrandon.com.


Episode 40: Zoolander (2001)

International correspondent and friend of the show Pablo Goujon comes by this week with Ben Stiller's ZOOLANDER! We stew about stew and return from non-existent commercial breaks on this week's show.

'Milkin' It!' goes to a new level when Pablo draws the 'Trilogy! Card'! 

Episode 38: Toy Story (1995)

Writer; friend; philanthropist; Lizzie Donaldson is all these things and more as she returns to the podcast with the film that launched Pixar: 'Toy Story'! 

'First Impressions' is featured while a "whispering Tom Hanks"  is deemed the most challenging impression to attempt.

Episode 36: 12 Monkeys (1995)

Our good friend and film lover Russell Dillulio comes by with Terry Gilliam's time-travel mind-bender. Russ dons a kimono for the podcast, Brad gives us another memorable 'First Impression', and everything ends with bananas. 

We turn '12 Monkeys' into a Buddy Comedy, a Murder Mystery, and re-boot the film in this week's edition of 'Milkin' It!'